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Taranaki dairies praised for sugary drink stance

Two dairies in Taranaki have made the decision to stop selling sugary drinks to school children.

Two dairies in Taranaki have announced their decision to stop selling sugary drinks to children before school.

Working alongside Taranaki Public health Unit, Stratford’s Northern Dairy and CR Dairy in Eltham are helping with a project aimed at reducing tooth decay in kids, as well as childhood obesity.

The New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA) has praised the move, stating that the “Negative health impacts of sugary drinks require a wide range of solutions.”

“We support this public health leadership. In fact, point six of our statement specifically mentions the need to limit the sale of sugary drinks in and around schools,” says Dr Rob Beaglehole.

Fizzy drinks can contain more than a child’s daily allowance of sugar in one sitting

The NZDA and other health groups hope to introduce a Consensus Statement on Sugary Drinks, that reads as follows:

1) Introducing an icon on drinks indicating, in teaspoons, the amount of sugar in each drink.

2) Independent monitoring and evaluation of food marketing, with an emphasis on marketing that influences children.

3) Urging the government to adopt WHO limit guidelines on sugar.

4) Encouraging public to switch to water by; introducing warning labels highlighting sugary drinks as risk factors for obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay, and a nationwide social marketing campaigns such as ‘Switch to Water’.

5) Working with schools and the Ministry of Education to introduce ‘water only’ policies.

6) Introducing local council ‘water only’ policies at council facilities and events.

7) Introduction of a ‘sugary drinks’ tax in line with WHO recommendations.

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