Happy birthday! If you were born today (September 16) then your birthday is recognised as the most celebrated birthday of the year, worldwide.
Tellingly, the date comes nine months after Christmas – making you a Christmas baby. Ahem.
The average amount of money spent on kids’ birthday parties is $500 to $1000 in New Zealand, and this compares to USD$250 – meaning we spend up to twice as much as our American counterparts.
If your child is celebrating a birthday this weekend search “birthday” on Netflix and find a series of 15 two-minute videos with kids’ favourite characters from King Julien to Barbie and Pokemon, who will wish them a special “Happy Birthday.”
Celebs that celebrate their birthday on this day include the late Amy Winehouse and Grace Kelly, Amy Poehler and Nick Jonas.
Those born on September 16 are said to be endowed with enthusiasm, excitement, exuberance and cheerfulness. They are courageous in whatever they do and have an honest approach. On the down side, those born on September 16 are prone to criticism and possessiveness.
Well, nobody’s perfect.
Eat cake –