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Mums share weirdest baby advice they’ve been given

From the sublime to the ridiculous.
baby in a blanket

baby in a blanket

Everyone always wants to give their 2 cents when it comes to advice. And for some reason, mums seem to get the brunt of it – with everyone feeling like they’re an expert when it comes to parenting.

As a result, these mothers have taken to mumsnet to share the most bizarre advice they’ve been given about babies.

Some of them are right corkers.

“To put shampoo in a baby’s eye to clear conjunctivitis. Right.”

“From the Health Visitor when I was worried he wasn’t weaning – well you’re not working so you have plenty of time, make him some nice mushroom pate . . .”

“Health Visitor told me, don’t cuddle too much.”

“You should keep him awake during the day by not feeding him.. so he will sleep longer at night!”

“I’ve been told to be sure to leave the baby outside in the pram when she’s born to ‘make her lungs really work’ – she’s due in December…”

“Years ago we lived overseas & employed a Filipina nanny to help with my first DS. When he was around 8 months old, one night I went into his room & found him soundly sleeping in his cot with wads of newspaper stuffed down his onesie, front & back. Nanny explained that it was the best way to keep him cool & soak up sweat.”

“I was told off for “over-stimulating” baby at 3 months.”

Apparently reading to him, and playing with his toys was entirely unnecessary & could do him long term damage, and I should completely ignore him so he learns to entertain himself.”

“Oh god…… My Mother in law is insane. She thinks I’m a horrible mother because my one year old son is out in the wind, apparently when there is a breeze if will suffocate a baby. On a cloudy day she makes him where a hat in the stroller with the entire hood up because he will burn. We have to close all the blinds in the house because he will burn.”

“That I shouldn’t eat curry when breastfeeding. Or grapes.”

“That I should shave 9 month old’s head to make her hair grow quicker. By some random at the dr’s surgery.”

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