
Little girl’s defence of her autistic brother will melt your heart

What a wonderful little human.


A devoted sister has melted the icy cold heart of the internet after penning a letter in defence of her autistic brother.

Six-year-old Lex was left hurt when a girl in her class told her that her brother was “weird.”

In response, the girl wrote a letter to her classmate, and the results are wonderful.

Her mum uploaded the note to Facebook, which reads:

*“On Monday I felt very sad because a girl in my class said that my brother was weird.

My brother has autism and is not weird.

I would like it if we could learn about disabilities in schools so that everybody understands that some people are different, but we should all be treated the same.”*

Lex’s mother, Sophie Camilleri, captioned the shot with a note that she was “so very proud that Lex has this view and wants to change the way other children view others with disabilities.”

“She is only 6-years-old and is already part of the school council, wanting to make this change.

“Can I ask a Favour of my Facebook friends to share this Post to help Lex raise Disability Awareness in schools.”

The post has since been shared thousands of times.

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