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Is there such a thing as an ugly baby?

All babies are beautiful... except when they're not.

Most of us will insist that all babies are beautiful. Perhaps it’s their shiny new innocence, or the magnitude of their potential that gets to us, but whatever the reason, babies are always utterly gorgeous.

Except for when they’re not…

A recent Mumsnet thread has shoved all baby etiquette to one side and openly discussed the times that babies were ugly.

“Most babies are ugly crying potatoes. My son looked like a bald sparrow when he was born,” said the first commenter in the thread.

“Babies look like angry old men, especially if they are bald,” said another.

One mumsnetter describes, “recoiling in horror” as she clicked on a photo of a colleague’s new bay.

“The poor wee thing was the spitting image of one of those Troll doll things that kids used to collect when I was 12 or 13 but with black hair instead of fluorescent pink. [The baby] is about two now, and going by photos on Facebook is still an interesting looking child.”

Some commenters admitted that their own babies had “fallen out of the ugly tree.”

“My son was terrible when he was born. Looked like my mother in law…luckily he has outgrown that!” confessed one mum.

Likewise, another mum says that her daughter “looked like Gollam” when she was born.

“My darling son was a very very old gnome when he was born,” said another commenter.

But while the majority of comments in the “ugly baby” thread admit to finding some babies unattractive, there is also a general consensus that despite their looks, all babies are cute regardless.

“I’ve known some funny looking little ones but it only adds to their charm,” says one mum, summing up the general feeling of the Mumsnet community.

Words: Cat Rodie

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