Many parents with appreciate the struggle of getting children and teenagers to open up after their day at school. Whether they’re grumpy or just don’t want to talk about it, it can be tricky to initiate the conversation.
But if you’re keen for your kid to get talking, one mum has found a supposed solution.
“I tried a new approach at the dinner table,” explains Sara Ackerman. She told her about her day.
“I tell her about meetings and photocopying, the jammed printer and how I lost and found my keys.
“Then, like she’s taking her turn in a game of Go Fish, my daughter tells me about her day,” Sara explains.
According to Ackerman, unravelling the mystery of what mum does while she’s at work seems to be the trick to finding out what her daughter does too.
And Sara’s project seems to have been a resounding success, with her daughter actively chasing her for information if they forget their little debrief.
“Tonight at the dinner table, as my daughter inexpertly wielded her knife and fork and I started talking about tomorrow’s plans, she interrupted.
‘Mom? Aren’t you going to tell me about your day?’”