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Health news: Hygiene alert

If you think the toilet seat is the most germ-ridden place in your house, think again

If you think your toilet seat is the most germ-ridden place in your house, think again. Games consoles, children’s toys, and even the handle of your fridge play host to far more bacteria than your loo.


And the much-loved trampoline is positively swarming with invisible bugs. Researchers carrying out a hygiene study, in conjunction with UNICEF, swabbed numerous household items for bacteria, including E. coli, APC and enterobacteriaceae, and came up with some surprising results.

Here’s what they found:

• Garden trampolines have 640,000 bacteria per 100 sq cm on average.

• Bikes have 14,000 bacteria per 100 sq cm.


• Games consoles have 7863 bacteria per 100 sq cm.

• Fridge handles have 7474 bacteria per 100 sq cm.

• Children’s soft toys have 2549 bacteria per 100 sq m.

• Toilet seats have 1600 bacteria per 100 sq cm.


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