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Do the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks?

A controversial new study out of Australia says yes.

In news set to divide parents, a study published by the University of Sydney suggests that young boys who are not circumcised face an 80 per cent risk of developing a “foreskin-related condition” that will need to be treated by a doctor.

Lead researcher of the study published in the World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Dr Brian Morris says the benefits of early circumcisions in baby boys is comparable to childhood vaccinations. The study found the benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks by 200 to one.

“Over their lifetime more than one in two uncircumcised males will suffer an adverse medical condition caused by their foreskin,” he says, as reported by News.com.au.

“The enormous benefit but low risk makes early infant circumcision akin to childhood vaccination.”

Dr Morris and his fellow researchers came to this finding after measuring the level of protection male circumcisions have against STIs, urinary infections and genital-related cancers.

In New Zealand, however, less than 10 per cent of newborns are circumcised and public hospitals no longer offer the procedure.

“Current evidence-based practice suggests that the procedure is unnecessary,” Australian midwife, Megan Baker, says.

“The research would have to be very strong in favour of circumcision to convince me. It’s an unnecessarily harsh procedure for an infant.”

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