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Anti-social media

Dear Wendyl


I am 52 years old and like to think that I am reasonably computer savvy. However, so far I have resisted any invitations to join Facebook because I really don’t see the point.

But recently my two children who live in Britain and the US have asked me to get an account so that we can keep in touch with each other more easily.

I notice that you have an account, but I just can’t see the point of sharing my life with anyone who may want to know about it. If it was just with my children that would be fine, but it’s not. Is there perhaps another site I can use which might be more private?

Jennifer, by email


Dear Jennifer

You can join Facebook and still keep your privacy.

Facebook has had a lot of press lately about bosses using it to check on the social activities of their staff. But there are settings you can use which mean you can limit the access to your page to just your family who you accept as friends without anyone else being able to see what is on it.

I recently set up another page just for my family for this reason, and you can too. Simply sign up, get your page and then go into the Settings and you will see Privacy Settings. Click on that and then click Friends only.


This will mean only people you accept as your friends, eg, your children and perhaps close friends, can see anything posted on there. And believe me it’s a great way to keep in touch with your kids. Enjoy.


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