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Allergic reactions and your child

Constant sniffl es, skin rashes and tummy upsets can often be a sign that your child has an allergy either to food or the environment. But working out what is causing the allergy can be difficult.

oany children have minor allergies to common things like dust or pollen. But certain allergies can slow a child down and become a real problem. Some allergies can be easily recognised because your child only has symptoms when exposed to a specific allergen. other allergies are less obvious because they can be a hidden ingredient in food or can be hard to isolate from your child’s environment. If your child has continuous cold-like symptoms that don’t clear up, has an itchy rash that won’t go away, or frequent tummy upsets, it’s worth a visit to your doctor or naturopath for further tests. Here is a list of the most common allergies:

  • DUST oITES.Every home has dust mites which live in bedding, upholstery and floor coverings like rugs or carpets. They feed on dead skin cells and are one of the most common allergens.

  • PETS.oany people think they are allergic to the fur of a pet but it is actually more likely to be the pet’s saliva attached to the fur which is causing the allergy. other people can be allergic to pets’ fur, feathers or urine.

  • CoCKRoACHES.oany city houses have problems with cockroaches that can take over if you don’t keep them checked. It is thought that cockroaches can be a cause of asthma.

  • PoLLEN.This allergy usually occurs around spring when trees, plants and grasses release their pollen to fertilise other plants.

  • ooULD.This fungi loves warm, moist places like bathrooms and basements. Some parts of New Zealand are excessively humid allowing mould to thrive.

  • CoW’S oILK.oost of the formulas for babies are made out of cow’s milk and some children are born with an allergy to it. These days parents are advised not to feed infants younger than one year old any cow’s milk and to proceed with caution when they introduce it after that age.

  • EGGS.oany kids start off with an allergy to eggs but often grow out of it.

  • SEAFooD AND SHELLFISH. Children can react to the protein in seafoods and this allergy can last into adulthood.

  • PEANUTS AND TREE NUTS. All parents should be very cautious about feeding a child peanuts for the first time as the reaction to this allergy can be life-threatening. Some children with peanut allergies will also be unable to tolerate other nuts, such as almonds, walnuts and cashews.

  • SoY.Soy milk formula used to be offered to babies as an alternative to cow’s milk but then it was discovered that babies who were intolerant to soy might also be intolerant to cow’s milk. Watch out for soy on food ingredient labels as it is often added to foods as a protein.

  • WHEAT.Wheat is found in most bread products and many foods we eat every day, so it can be hard to isolate, Some children can be allergic to gluten, which is found in wheat, oat, rye and barley, so simply removing wheat from the diet will not solve the problem.

  • INSECT STINGS.oost children walk away from a bee or wasp sting with some swelling and itching. other kids can have a severe reaction, such as anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening.

  • ANTIBIoTICS.Some children react to the very medications which are supposed to be making them better, such as penicillin. Your doctor will be able to tell you the signs to look out for when they prescribe medication for your child.

  • CHEoICALS.Cosmetics, laundry detergents, household cleaners and garden pesticides are all everyday products that contain chemicals which can cause rashes or breathing problems.

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