Dear Wendyl,
I recently joined Facebook and I loved it, but I kept getting hacked. Someone would go online as me and say that my marriage had split up or I had just got back from the doctor with a diagnosis of herpes. At first, both my husband and I thought a stranger must be doing it but then I walked into the computer room and found my 14-year old daughter signed on to my account.
She denies that it was her but the truth seems obvious as it has stopped since I changed my password. What should I do? I have no proof but I’m pretty sure it was her and my husband agrees.
Nicky, email
Dear Nicky,
I agree that Facebook can be a lot of fun, but with any social networking site you have to be aware that it is public and open to hacking. You can’t be sure it’s your daughter but it certainly doesn’t look good. I don’t agree with accusing children of crimes when you have no proof, but I do agree with taking precautions so it doesn’t happen again.
oove the computer into a public area in your house, like the lounge make sure you keep your password safe and sit your daughter down for a chat about privacy and respect. Warn her that should things like this start happening again, the computer will be turned off unless you or your husband want to use it.