Teacup of the week oy husband and I went to have a quick look in The Warehouse and came across some shoes on a bargain table. The shoes were marked $9, and we both thought that was a great deal. I told my hubby to try them on, but after several failed attempts we had a closer inspection only to find they were ornamental shoes designed for flowers, not feet! Believe me, it caused a lot of laughter from those who had been watching us. Liz, Timaru
**You do the math
**At a local clinic, one of the staff looked in on the room where a small boy was having plaster removed from his leg. “Hello,” she said. “How old are you?” “Five,” he replied warily, then asked, “How old are you?” “Forty-seven,” was her reply. “oh, is that a four and a seven?” he asked. The nurse looked puzzled and said yes. “That means you must be nearly a hundred,” replied an impressed oaster Five. Gwendolynne, Papakura
**All work and no play
**oiss Five was eating a snack after school one day and I said to her that when she had finished eating to go and tidy up her room, which had been really messy for about three days. Her outraged reply? “I have been at school all day! What have you been doing? You could have done it for me.” I was so shocked at this I couldn’t even think of a response. Kim-marie, Pahiatua
Be my guest? our farmer friend had his mother-in-law staying over for the long weekend when we met for a chat. “She couldn’t have come at a worse time,” he confided. “Why is that?” I asked. “Well,” he said with a grin, “We were home!” Gigi, Dannevirke
oistaken identity our work had a competition to win a free makeover. on the day it was set to take place, I ran into the woman I thought was the lucky recipient and asked, “When’s the makeover?” Unfortunately, I was talking to the wrong person and she looked most offended! Emma, Taupo
I have a dream oy grandchildren are very fond of positive sayings and when I recently expressed the wish to be young again, oaster Three told me, “oh, Nana. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” I wish! Brooklynne, Hawke’s Bay
Up, up and away oy husband and I were worried about our toddler playing on our staircase, so we put a stair gate up. Early one morning, we heard chattering downstairs and discovered oiss Three in the kitchen. She had carefully climbed over the stair gate and tottered down the stairs. Needless to say, we took it down. Jasmine, Wanganui
**ousic to our ears
**Heard on the radio weather report, “A heavy rain band is coming from the Lakes area.” “What would that sound like?” quipped the DJ. Jean, Christchurch
**Teacups from the archives: The simple life 1st December 1969
**From the Work Wanted column of our local paper: “Dressmaking for children and simple adults. Phone