You love his glossy hair, great teeth and toned body. He adores your smooth skin, firm behind and luscious figure. But how hot will your partner be in 30 years?
We digitally aged the photos of three couples, then asked them whether they’ll still fancy each other when they’re old and grey.
**Chris Goodwin (28), radio producer and Susan Edmunds (24), radio newsreader
Chris, before: Susan is hot! I first saw her at a party and I had to talk to her. The way she was looking at me when we were chatting made me feel all warm and happy inside. I knew I wanted to get to know better her better. I’ve no idea what we were talking about, though I just couldn’t stop looking at her!
And after:** Whoa! In 30 years, I’m going to be married to a Jeanette Fitzsimons look-alike. She looks really good for almost 60, though. I thought she’d have more wrinkles. All those times we’ve almost gone to the gym must have helped a bit. I know I’ll be happy to be married to Susan in 30 years or even in 60 years.When I saw myself, it was a good reminder to never grow a moustache and to wear a hat if I go bald. I’d feel bit sorry for Susan having to wake up next to me, looking like that.
Susan, before: Chris is cute. He’s not one of those guys who looks like they’ve spent all morning on their hair, but he’s naturally good-looking and has a really open and friendly face. He’s got a nice body, which helps too! When I first met him, I didn’t notice the way he looked more that he was really easy to talk to and made me laugh.**
And after:** I wouldn’t want to kiss him with that moustache! He still looks like a nice man, though, because he’s got the same twinkle in his eyes. I think he’ll have wrinkles when he’s older because he’s always pulling funny faces when he’s telling stories and he frowns when he’s concentrating. I’ll still fancy him in 30 years because the way he looks is just an added bonus. It’s his personality that seals the deal!
Jamie Warren (31) and Rachael Warren (32), managers for a telecommunications companyJamie, before: Rachael is beautiful. She always looks great and she doesn’t look her age at all. When we first met, I thought she was gorgeous and was drawn to her big brown eyes and killer smile. Her eyes won’t change, no matter how old she gets. And after: When I saw the picture, I thought, ‘oh, my goodness, is that really us?’ Rachael still looks great, just a little grey in places but it’s all good. I thought it would be much worse. If in 30 years there are only a few lines and some grey hair, she’ll look great and I’ll definitely still fancy her.
Rachael, before: Jamie seems ageless to me. When I first met him, he was completely tanned and toned. We met in a club in London and I was quite amazed that I’d managed to pull such a sexy guy! I love his bright-blue twinkling eyes, but nowadays I don’t really notice his looks so much – it really is Jamie’s personality that I love the most. That and the way he treats me like a princess. And after: I’m really disappointed. I know that sounds awful but the worst thing is his hair. Even if he did go bald, he would never grow it long at the back like that. He’s too stylish and besides, I wouldn’t let him. I’d chop it off when he was asleep! I don’t look too bad, though. I expected to have grey hair but I’d probably dye it until I’m quite ancient. I’m sure I will still fancy Jamie in 30 years – it sounds soppy but I do love him more now than when I first met him.
Peter Brown (23), salesman and Sera oMore (23), administratorPeter, before: Sera is the whole package. She’s funny, smart, good-looking and has great eyes, which are all reasons I love her. When I look across a crowded room and catch her eye, I think, ‘How did I get this lucky?’ And after: I looked at myself first – and freaked. I look really different. Sera’s grey hair stands out the most, but she’s looking pretty good for 50. To be honest, I don’t like the fact that she looks better than me, but it wouldn’t put me off fancying her in years to come.
Sera, before: Peter is really handsome but it was his personality and intelligence I fell for. He is so down-to-earth, honest and caring. That’s pretty much everything I’ve always wanted. I don’t think too much will change in 30 years – maybe a few extra wrinkles and a few grey hairs, but nothing too serious.And after: The picture made me laugh so hard. It’s so funny to see us in the future. Peter does look pretty different but I guess we all get old. I really don’t like his glasses – they make him look boring. He could always go for contacts or a trendier pair. So if that’s my biggest worry, I guess I’m a lucky girl. I’ll still have a hot oldie to wake up to!
As told to Jonica Bray