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Where are they now: being bullied gave me a voice

From health battles to missing persons, we update our biggest real-life stories of the year

Tortured by jealous bullies, Courtney Janssen felt as if she’d never fit in anywhere.

She shared her heartbreaking story in July and it brought in a flood of letters from readers encouraging her to follow her dreams as a singer.

The talented teenager, who appeared on Stars In Their Eyes as Miley Cyrus, took their advice and has just made the top five in a high-profile Australian singing competition, earning a chance to perform in front of recording agents across the Tasman.

The contest has given Courtney (15) new confidence after an evil text bullying campaign at previous schools drove her to despair.

Since the story, however, she has settled into a new school in Auckland and is doing well with her studies, as well as her singing. She has just been offered a scholarship at a leading private school, which she’s considering.

Now much happier, Courtney says she’s glad she spoke out about the text bullying in the Weekly.

“It helped my situation because it got the issue out in the open, and also reminded other people how painful spiteful words can be,” she says.

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