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When jewellers fail to return your jewellery

What happens when you go head to head with jewellers about repairs?

**I took a bracelet and watch to be repaired at a well-known jeweller. The bracelet was fixed, but the watch had to be sent away for an expensive repair, which I was happy with. It’s only worth $200 to $300, but was my mother’s and has huge sentimental value. Six months later, I still haven’t got the watch back. The store began disputing they ever took it from me, but I have produced the document they gave me with all the watch’s details on. The store is now arguing that the watch has already been collected and that they never send repairs away. Where do I stand?


This is a serious matter. It sounds to me as if your watch has got lost in their system. The important thing is that you have their receipt for it. They would need to show you a document, signed by you, indicating that you have picked up the watch. If they don’t have that, then they are responsible for its loss. But, as you point out, the money isn’t the issue. It’s the sentimental value. What you need most is for the company to stop acting defensively and begin a detailed search for the watch. Given the shop is a well-known business, I would start to communicate with the very top of the organisation – the person in charge of customer relations nationally.

Tell them why the watch means so much to you. Send them a copy of the receipt they gave you, and demand to see the document signed by the person who “collected it”. Tell them if they keep coming up with stories and don’t take responsibility, you will go to Fair Go. I’m sure Fair Go would be interested. Although, of course, I’ve only heard your side of the story. Just remember, don’t let that receipt out of your sight – send copies. Fight this one.

Do you have a consumer question for Kevin? Email [email protected], or post to Weekly Consumer, PO Box 90119, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142.**


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