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Wanting to settle down but partner doesn’t

Dear Wendyl, I have been seeing a really nice man for six months and am beginning to wonder if we will ever settle down together.
Wanting to settle down but partner doesn't

Dear Wendyl,


I have been seeing a really nice man for six months and am beginning to wonder if we will ever settle down together. We have both been married before and so I can understand his reluctance to take our relationship to the next step, but I am ready. How can I be the kind of person he would like to settle down with?

Julie, by email

Dear Julie,

Are you seriously considering changing the person you are so that your boyfriend will commit? Come on, have a little faith in yourself. I think you are making the mistake many women do when they find themselves in a relationship which is going really well. They want the guy to put a ring on their finger! Instead, live in the moment and enjoy the relationship for what it is – give it time to develop. And don’t you dare start nagging, or change who you are for the sake of a man. Just continue to be the lovely person you are and wait.


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