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Town celebrates Christmas early for terminally ill boy

The parade was for Evan, but in our family's heart, we were thinking about all the other children in the same position.

An entire Canadian town has celebrated Christmas in October for a young boy who has terminal brain cancer.

Seven-year-old Evan Leversage was diagnosed with inoperable cancer at the age of two, however doctors have told his family he may not live until December.

When Evan’s family learned that their son’s brain tumour had spread, they decided to celebrate the holidays early this year, at the suggestion of their doctors.

Around 7,000 people joined the celebrations, more than double the town’s population, lining the streets and cheering as he passed by the light-strewn houses next to Santa in his sleigh.

Snow machines were also drafted into the town centre to give it a festive feel.

“When Evan was diagnosed, what our family planned to do was raise awareness for childhood cancer, and yesterday was a testament to that,” his mother Nicole Wellwood told CBC News.

“The parade was for Evan, but in our family’s heart, we were thinking about all the other children in the same position…. They were in our hearts as well last night.”

Evan was also gifted a voice recording of Spongebob Square Pants and a Batman hat from the family of Justin Bieber, reports Yahoo News.

He was also made an honorary member of the local police department since his dream was to one day become a law enforcement officer.

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