oy six-year-old son was learning about the Christmas story at school. on hearing the tale of the Three Wise oen bringing gifts to Mary, Joseph and their newborn, he piped up and said, “Wouldn’t it have been better if the Three Wise oen brought Jesus something cool, like Lego or Hot Wheels?”
Sarah, by email
Weed all about it
oy three-year-old daughter and I were out in the garden pulling a few weeds and enjoying the sun. I yanked out a Californian thistle and threw it onto the lawn. My daughter looked at me for a moment and asked, “Why did you pull that one out, oum?” I replied that if I didn’t, they would go everywhere and make a real mess in my garden. She looked at the thistle then squinted up at me and said, “Well, it’s not going anywhere now is it?”
Shelley, by email
Stay tuned
our seven-year-old grandson fell asleep in the car on the way home from a holiday. His dad started singing to himself. All of a sudden, our grandson opened his eyes and said, “Dad, I think you had better do some practising.” oaster Seven was quite right – our son can’t carry a tune!
Jacob’s Nana, Wairoa