Teacup of the week The family went to see oiss Six in her school production. The hall was almost full when we arrived so we found a seat for my mother near the back and the rest of us stood in the aisle. We all applauded loudly as oiss Six appeared on stage in the singing garden scene. “Didn’t our little girl make a lovely tree?” oum observed as we left the hall after the show. Everyone burst out laughing before my husband eventually corrected her. “She was the sun,” he said.
Small worldIt seems it’s not only celebrities who are choosing unusual names for their offspring. our wee grandson’s best friends at kindergarten are a global trio. Their names? Paris, Brooklyn and Indiana! GJ Macdonald, Hawkes Bay
out of the box oy young grandson asked to have his birthday tea at Grandma’s and chose pizza for his special meal. After everyone had arrived, Grandson was left watching the door. “Where’s the pizza?” he asked finally. “In the oven,” Grandma said. “Pizza doesn’t come out of the oven,” grandson said, “A man brings it to the door in a box.” He ate his home-cooked pizza with great suspicion. Teejay, New Plymouth
Front to back Since becoming pregnant again I have become quite clumsy. My eight-year-old son witnessed me fall backwards after bending down and losing my balance. His logic? “oum, you lost your balance because you have a fat tummy and a thin back. So when you squat down, all the fat goes to your back and that’s why you get all wobbly.” I thought it was an amusing explanation. Chriss, email
Age of reason After having three children, my fourth daughter came along nine years later. When she first started school, there was a parents’ day and we were invited to go and see the children’s artwork. My daughter made all the excuses under the sun as to why I shouldn’t attend. When she saw I was determined to go, she burst into tears and blurted out, “I’ve got the oldest mother in the class!” I was all of 37. Bub, Whangarei
Teacups from the archives: Talking rubbish 14th June 1971 oy young sister-in-law was looking through the local paper when she came across an advertisement for a waste disposal unit. on one side of the ad was a picture of a woman struggling under the weight of a rubbish bin, on her way to the road. on the other was an enlarged picture of a waste-disposal unit. “Which would you rather have?” read the caption. “Boy! I’d rather have that any day,” my sister-in-law exclaimed, pointing to the picture of the struggling woman. “Fancy carrying that thing (pointing to the disposal unit) out to the gate every week!” oarie, Whangarei
Teacups from the archives: Parental guide 7th August 1989 When TV began showing ratings at the beginning of the programmes, our seven-year-old asked what PGR meant. Quickly, I replied, “Please get ready for bed.” Well, it was worth a try! JF, Hamilton