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Our last night of love

It was the perfect place for a short and sweet honeymoon, but for Chris and Sheera Gordon, their romantic break at Auckland’s SkyCity Grand Hotel held special signifi cance – it was likely to be their last night alone together.


Chris (31) has cancer and has been given just six months to live. This night of luxury was a chance for him and his wife to celebrate the love that fi rst brought them together, two years before his diagnosis. “We relaxed in the room, put on the bath robes and got to spend some quality time together,” says Sheera (34). With medical issues taking priority, the couple hadn’t had a honeymoon after they married earlier this year.

“Even though this was only one night, it was wonderful,” smiles Chris. Advanced cancer means that Chris is in a lot of pain and the couple’s life revolves around hospitals and medication. Yet it was just a year ago that Chris proposed to a then-pregnant Sheera.

Then tragedy struck. Chris hurt his back at the gym and started to feel low on energy. Cancer was the last thing on his mind when doctors delivered the bad news that he had a kidney tumour and it had spread throughout his body. The couple had a daughter Sophie (now six months old) and married in April, but Chris’ health has since deteriorated. “The cancer is pushing against my spinal cord,” says Chris, who relies on a wheelchair. The pair have also suffered financial setbacks. When Chris was first diagnosed, both he and Sheera quit their jobs, and were shocked to find out they weren’t covered by life insurance.

Chris says he remembers paying a lump sum to cover a life insurance policy when they bought their house, but unfortunately the bank can fi nd no record of it. Luckily, SkyCity heard of their plight and organised a fundraiser night, raising thousands of dollars, and also gifted the couple one romantic night in a suite. An auction on Tradeoe continues to raise funds for the family, who have been selling their possessions to survive. Chris and Sheera, who also has a son Charlie (5) from a prior relationship, have accepted that their time together as a family is limited.


“I won’t see Charlie grow up, or be able to walk Sophie down the aisle,” says Chris. “Those things are starting to hit home.” But with Sheera’s undying love and Chris’ courage, this brave couple is determined to make every day count. “We know what’s hanging over our heads,” says Sheera. “We just don’t dwell on it too much.”

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