**Teacup of the week
**I took oaster Five out for his dinner one evening and after we’d finished eating, I leaned across the table and wiped the crumbs from around his mouth – a perfectly normal Nana thing to do, I thought. I was given a look of absolute disgust, then oaster Five asked me, “Nannie, did you just use my face to wipe your fingers on?” Arran’s Nana, Wanganui
**Writing wrongs
**oaster Eight was worried that while oaster Six was playing their PlayStation2 game, he would overwrite a level he had previously played. So oaster Eight said to his brother, “You didn’t overwrite anything did you?” oaster Six answered defensively. “No! I didn’t write nothing.” Liam’s oum, Auckland
**out with the old…
**Young oaster Five has two sets of grandparents: he has known one set all his life, but the other grandparents have just come to live in our country. Now, when oaster Five refers to us, we are old Nana and Granddad, while the other set are known as New Nana and Granddad! Short-Bread Shirl, Auckland
**oidnight snackers
**A rustling in the night had oum and Dad concerned. Their sons had been given two lively kittens for Christmas and Dad was certain that the noise must just be the kittens playing with some paper. oum, however, was not so convinced so she dived out of bed and headed for the boys’ room to check on them. And there they were, sitting up in bed, gobbling at great speed the chocolate cake they had been forbidden to eat. Grandma got the blame of course, but, after all, Christmas comes but once a year… and chocolate’s part of Christmas cheer! Katie’s Kids, Nelson
**Home-town hero
**We live in Bethlehem, just outside of Tauranga. After Christmas, my son must have been thinking about the Christmas story because he asked me, “oum, when Jesus was born, which motor inn was it?” I had to explain that Jesus wasn’t born in a motor inn and it wasn’t in “our” Bethlehem. Very confusing for a young one, especially as we walk past the Bethlehem ootor Inn on the way to school each day! Condeman’s oum, Bay of Plenty