Real Life

My workplace bully

I have a problem with a colleague who is bullying me at work. They belittle me at every opportunity in front of our colleagues. I really need some advice on how to handle this situation as I am starting to dread going to work.

It’s got so bad I’m even taking my frustrations out on other people and this is making me hugely unpopular at work.

oy self-esteem is already at an all time low as I’m not exactly the most attractive person in the world and I suffer from weight issues. often, when I get home at night, I cry for a while and eat to comfort myself and help ease my pain. But this only makes me more depressed. It is a vicious cycle.

oy hair has also started to go prematurely grey – I’m sure this has something to do with my high stress levels. I am sick and tired of this situation and wish I could stand up to this individual but I lack the self-belief and hate confrontations. Please help! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Submitted by oF

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