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Kevin Milne: Salt mill problems

There are things you can try to fix your mill before you try to refund it.

I‘m having difficulty with my table salt mill.

Sometimes I can’t get anything out of it and other times salt pours everywhere.

The mill was quite expensive and a quality English brand.

Should I take it back or is there something I’m doing wrong?

First of all, are you using the right salt? You must use coarse sea salt.

Look for the words “Suitable for your grinder” on the packet.

Rock salt will work in some mills, but not in others.

If you are using the correct salt, but there’s still a problem, it may be because the grinding mechanism is either too tight or too loose.

If you have a good quality mill, you can turn it upside down and adjust the mechanism by twiddling the knob at the top.

You can actually watch the salt increase or diminish.

A lot of purchasers don’t realise they can do this – thinking the knob is simply for opening up the top of the mill.

If you’ve tried everything and the mill still won’t work, take it back.

A final piece of advice – never try to wash your salt and pepper mills.

That includes sticking them in the dishwasher.

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