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Kevin Milne: Dinner Plans

Who foots the bill when work dinner plans go awry?

We’ve decided at work to write to you because of a stuff-up with our recent Christmas party. We reserved a table for 16 at a restaurant, but when we got there they couldn’t give us our seats and admitted to getting the booking wrong! In the end, we were left to wander up the road and eat outside at a fairly average café. Can we sue the restaurant for what happened or demand they pay for our disappointing alternative meal?

I’m afraid this is one of those situations where there are no winners here – not that the restaurant deserves to be.

Yes, the restaurant can be held liable for mucking up your bookings, but that pretty much comes down to any travel costs and other incidentals incurred duringyour trip to the venue.

I don’t think you would be successful trying to sue them for “damages” as such, and I doubt the law would support you in a claim for the cost of the meal you ended up having. What it will come down to is just a matter of goodwill.

The restaurant should have the decency to appreciate the trouble they have caused your workplace and offer compensation.

If I were them, I’d invite you all back at another date and charge you just for the drinks. Put that to them and see how you go.

If they won’t play ball, spread the word and never go there again.

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