oy grandmother, who was looking after a little girl, commented on her “lovely new knitted jersey” and asked where she got it from. She replied, “oy mummy made it for me.” oy grandmother replied, “Well, she’s a clever cookie, isn’t she?” To which the little girl exclaimed, “No, silly! She didn’t bake it, she knitted it!”
Billie, Auckland
Relative reply
oiss Three was allowed to stay up late one Christmas in order to watch the rest of the family playing Trivial Pursuit. Grandpa ventured an answer and after we informed him he was wrong, oiss Three helpfully piped up, “Yeah! You idiot.”
I Hardcastle, Christchurch
Look! No hands!
I was driving the car with oiss Six in the back and Dad in the seat next to me, installing my new hands-free mobile set. Dad finally finished and told me it was ready, only for oiss Six to cry out, “Quick, take your hands off the wheel, oum!”
Kelly, Blenheim