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Teacup of the week


oy three-year-old granddaughter needed to go to the toilet so I waited outside in case she wanted any help. A few moments passed after she closed the door, then her little voice piped up, “Nana, if you put your hands over your ears, you won’t smell anything!” What a thoughtful wee girl she is!

Rotomarie, Bulls




oaster Eight had been boasting to his younger cousins that he’d once sipped the dregs of his father’s pint and the story clearly made quite an impression on oaster Five. At après ski drinks after a day on the  mountain, the little guy had the bar staff in stitches when he announced, “I bet my cousin Aidan wishes he was here. He’s eight and he drinks a lot of beer!”

Lulu, Auckland

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Little Trickster

I was visiting my daughter, three-year old granddaughter and new grandson when I commented on what a good little boy the new baby was. My daughter sighed, saying, “Yes, he is at the moment, but we’ll have to wait and see what tricks he has up his sleeve for us!” Quickly, oiss Three lifted up her new brother’s arms,


looked up both his sleeves and remarked, “It’s okay, oum, there’s nothing up there!” oy daughter and I couldn’t stop laughing.

Nan, Whitianga

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