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Girl gives away birthday money for wonderful reason

What a selfless little human.
Little girl with police

Little girl with police

A little girl celebrating her ninth birthday donated her present money to buy police officers lunch.

Samya McLaughlin wanted to do something for her local police team after seeing footage of the fatal Dallas shooting on TV, CBS Detroit has reported.

She used the money she had received from relatives to buy sandwiches, crisps, fruit and cookies for the police team in Detroit.

In return, the crew named her ‘officer of the day’ and posed for photographs with her at the station.

Samya was watching the news with her grandmother when she saw the police killings in Dallas this month – where five officers were shot dead by a sniper.

The officers were overwhelmed by Samya’s gesture

She told reporters: “I was thinking that I should feed the police officers because I wanted to show them that I support them and I thank them for all that they do. I wanted to show them that all lives matter.”

Her mother told press that they “discuss things that are going on,” with the 9-year-old, and that they always remember to ask her how the little girl feels about current events.

What a lovely little girl!

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