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Fish out of water

Fish out of waterWhen my granddaughter was three I took her to Sea World in Australia where they had a large aquarium. She was amazed by the beauty of so many coloured fish and I asked her if she knew any of the names. “The only fish I know,” she said, “is fish fingers.” Glennys, Australia


Snail trail oy seven-year-old granddaughter found a snail in the garden and I agreed she could keep it in a bowl inside as long as it didn’t make a mess. Snail soon made his way out of the bowl though and was nowhere to be found. But the next morning, oiss Seven found her friend back in the bowl, along with a little gift of snail poop. “Look, Nana,” she called to me, “I potty-trained the snail!” Nana, Auckland

**Teacups from the archives: Fresh flowers 8th February 1960

**We were most amused when young neighbour’s beau drew up in father’s car and manfully presented himself at the front door complete with a bunch of


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