Teacup of the week I asked my eight-year-old grandson what he was leaving for Santa Claus to eat and drink when he came down the chimney to bring presents. I suggested a Christmas mince pie and a glass of beer. His eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Gran,” he said, “don’t you know you’re not supposed to drink and drive!” I nearly fell out of my chair – such wisdom from a little boy. It’s a pity some big boys fail to remember this! Sober Gran, Waiuku
Ear todayGrandson, aged nearly five, came to stay with us overnight. We took him to see a fireworks display but the noise gave him an earache and there was much distress during the night. In the morning, I asked him how his ear was feeling. “It’s fine,” he replied casually. “I swallowed it and it’s gone now.” Jo, Tauranga
**Wipe out
**I hadn’t visited my sister for quite some time so I decided to pop by one weekend when I knew she’d be home. She wasn’t expecting me and with four young, boisterous kids, the place looked a mess. “I’m such a bad housekeeper,” she apologised as I said goodbye, “that guests wipe their feet before they leave.” Sister, Christchurch
**Teacups from the archives: Just for the night 22nd February 1960
**When my daughter and her husband decided to go to a ball this year, I volunteered to have our two-and-a-half-year-old grandson for the night. He arrived in time for tea and I greeted him with, “Hello, darling, have you come for a holiday?” We were rather taken aback when he replied, “oh, no, Nana, I’ve just come for a holi-night.”
Teacups from the archives: Can-do-attitude 29th August 1994 During a holiday, the family paid a visit to Wattie’s Canneries. Young son just learning to read was a keen observer. When they returned home, he asked his mother, “Are we going to start a cannery?” “Why?” enquired his mum. He pointed to a packet of birdseed on the shelf. “See – it says ‘Cannery Seed’.” Siwash, Thames