oy husband and I recently took our two grandsons to the beach. Granddad thought he’d teach the boys a bit of geography and was explaining about how you can’t see beyond the horizon because the earth is round. After his explanation, he turned to oaster Nine and asked, “If you swam out beyond the horizon, why wouldn’t I be able to see you?” Quick as a flash came the reply, “Because I would have drowned – I can’t swim that far!”
Amused Nana, Te Aroha
Nice moo-niker!
I was visiting the Canterbury A&P Show with my five-year-old grandson Angus and we were looking at all the lovely cows. He was quiet for a while then he piped up to say, “Nana, all the bulls are named after me!” Angus sure is an awesome breed – of boys and cows!
K Harris, Christchurch
Bottom line
I had my great nephew visiting from the Gold Coast and we were having lunch. I had forgotten to buy serviettes so I went and grabbed a roll of paper towels to wipe our hands. The look on my great-nephew’s face was priceless as he exclaimed, “Wow! You have big toilet rolls here in New Zealand!”
Pisces, New Plymouth