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Bearded lady

As my young grandson was sitting on my knee, I noticed him staring really hard at my face. Soon after, when he was back at home, his mum phoned and could hardly speak, she was laughing so much. Apparently he had asked her, “Do ladies have beards? Because I think Nanny’s growing one.” I look extra hard in the mirror now!


Paula, by email

Brassed off oy husband and I walked past a shop that had a sign outside advertising, “Buy two bras and get the third one for free.” oy husband commented, “That’s a stupid sign.” “Why?” I asked. He replied, “Two brass what?”

John’s wife, Titirangi

Four seasonsoaster Four and I were talking on the phone and I asked him if it was raining at his house. He said, “Well, it’s rainy in the back but sunny in the front.” That’s New Zealand for you!


Grandma Rae, Horowhenua

Teacup of the week

oy granddaughter, aged four, wandered into the bathroom one morning while I was applying some lipstick. “What are you doing?” she asked curiously, looking at me. “Just trying to look beautiful,” I said wistfully. oiss Four then said to me, “Granny, you do have such wrinkly skin but you’re so beautiful on the inside.” I simply melted!

Granny, Auckland


This week’s winner receives a set of teacups from the wide range at Farmers.

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