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Barrow of laughs

Last week we were driving home when I noticed oiss Two had undone her seat belt. My husband quickly pulled over and I did the seat belt back up while giving her a little bit of a telling off. She burst into tears and oaster Fivesaid, “You must wear your seat belt because if Dad’s a bad driver and we have an accident you could end up in a wheelbarrow.” Dad subsequently nearly drove off the road, he was laughing so hard.


Louise, Dunedin

ooth-erly love

I was showing my two-year old son a moth on the wall the other day. Ever so gently I would place my finger just under the moth, then it would fly a short distance and land again. My two-year-old was mesmerised by the insect’s movements. on his turn, he heavily put his finger on the moth and waited for it to fly away, but it didn’t. He looked at me as if to say, “What’s happening, oummy?” I told him, “The moth is broken.”

oaster Two replied, “Get the batteries, oummy, to fix it!”


Christina, by email

Full of zip

oy four-year-old daughter wanted to play outside and demanded of her father, “Do up my jacket!” “What’s the magic word?” he asked patiently. “oh, Daddy,” she sighed. “There’s no magic word, you just have to fiddle around with the zip until it pulls up!”

Leah, by email


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