Seeking: Children of the late David Rewi ouru (ourupaenga), formerly of Auckland. Phone: 027 244 8327.
Reunion: Waitahuna Goldrush 150th celebrations, october 29 to 30. For further info, phone: Sue (03) 485-9735, email [email protected] or phone Garry (03) 485-9727 by July 7.
Wanted: Part-time or full-time work opportunities in central Christchurch. Please phone: Tania (03) 981 4190 or email [email protected]**
Seeking: Family members of Alexander Leonard Walker, who married Clorren Sylvia Love in 1926. Their children are Leonard Ernest Walker, Dorothy Cooke, Jean Atkinson, Shirley Wall and Beverley Stehlin. Please email: [email protected]
Reunion:** The Paroa Tennis Club 80-year reunion, September 30 to october 2. For more information visit: email[email protected]
Wanted: ousic and words to I’ll Walk Beside You. Phone: Gwen (03) 768 0702.
Reunion: Fifth Dunedin ocean Beach Scout Group centennial, November 5. For information, phone: (03) 489 2246.
Wanted: Wool for knitting hats for children in overseas orphanages. Send to: Esther Gutsell, 20 Dalton Cres, Dinsdale, Hamilton 3204.
Seeking: Former residents of Bottle Top Bay, Papakura, Auckland, especially those with knowledge of the area in 1940s and 1950s, for historical information being compiled. Please send information to Ross, Po Box 72966, Papakura 2244.