Reunion: Whakatane Badminton Club is celebrating its 75th jubilee, to be held on July 14. For further information phone: Jan Jones, (07) 308 7101 or email [email protected]
Wanted: I am looking for the sheet music to Dance In The Old Fashioned Way. I wonder if someone has the music and would kindly let me have a copy. All expenses paid. Please email: [email protected]
Seeking: Sid Lee. Came to New Zealand from Manchester around 1958. Any information, please email: [email protected]
Centenary: St Joseph’s School, Waitara, centenary. 19 to 21 October in Waitara, Taranaki, registrations now open. Contact secretary Deena Coster: [email protected] or Keith Jackson, (06) 754 4044.
Seeking: My uncle was the little Italian boy Antonio smuggled on the ship Willochra in May 1916 from Alexandria in WWI. My father was the man whose family adopted him in Blackball. I’m hoping to collect stories about Antonio from when he arrived in the Mustapha Camp in 1915, which housed New Zealand troops, to the time of arriving in New Zealand at Port Chalmers and being adopted by my grandparents in July 1916. Please email: [email protected]