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18 fantasy things we’d do if we actually had ‘me time’

(And the world was perfect!)

1 Eat dessert at Nigella’s house.


2 Wander the exhibitions at New York’s Museum of Modern Art.

3 Relax in the front row at Milan Fashion Week.

4 Create our own Grand Design of a family home.

5 Practise inner peace for an afternoon with the Dalai Lama.


6 Play dress-ups in Karen Walker’s wardrobe.

7 Talk romance with writer Nicholas Sparks while Ryan Gosling makes the tea.

8 Re-enact Sex and the City’s girls’ lunches at least once a fortnight.

9 Go accessory shopping with Offspring’s Nina Proudman.


10 Finally do that Eat, Pray, Love year we’ve been dreaming about since that book came out an entire decade ago.

11 While we’re at it, let’s throw in an Under the Tuscan Sun experience.

12 Oh, and have Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

13 Get a personal tour of The White House from Barack and Michelle Obama.


14 Join the live audience of Graham Norton’s show.

15 Spend the entire weekend in an expensive hotel room watching back-to-back movies, eating room service and drinking the mini bar dry while wearing the complimentary white robe.

16 Dance the tango with a hot Argentinian in Buenos Aires.

17 Talk life lessons with Oprah while having a manicure.


18 Lie in a hammock for an afternoon with our favourite magazine… in the Bahamas!

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