1 The weather on your holiday – what are you going to do about it?
2 That awkward comment you made to a colleague… eight years ago!
3 Not resembling Beyoncé on the dance floor – it’s meant to be fun, people…
4 Why your love interest hasn’t messaged back.
5 Ageing – it’s far better than the alternative.
6 Whether your hair is too short or not – there’s just six weeks between a good and bad haircut.
7 The calories in a birthday cake.
8 Buying the next size – it’s not about the number on the tag; it’s how it fits your body shape.
9 How much butter is on your bread.
10 Where your career is going to end up – no one ever looks back on their life and says, ‘Gosh, I wish I had worked more.’
11 Not liking (or even finishing) The Luminaries.
12 The odd junk-food binge – sometimes the only answer is deep-fried goods, cheese and chocolate, in that order.
13 The future – it’s going to happen whether you worry or not.
14 The fact you’re not a Game of Thrones fan.
15 Not being a good enough mum/partner/daughter/friend – you’re doing your best and your best is awesome; just chill.