A town council in England is proposing a ban on swearing in the town centre, in an attempt to crack-down on antisocial behaviour.
Rochdale council in Greater Manchester has suggested a complete ban on foul language, that could entail an on-the-spot fan for offenders.
As the Manchester Evening News reports, council chiefs are proposing a Public Space Protection Order, which could see anyone caught using abusive language warned, fined or moved on.
Human rights group Liberty are less than impressed with the move, who say it would “unjustifiably curb the rights and freedoms of Rochdale residents.”
Other anti-social activities considered under the new proposal are begging, playing loud music, revving car engines, street drinking, and even ‘chuggers’ – charity collectors out on the streets.
Liberty have slammed the move to ban begging, saying this would “criminalise some of the most vulnerable people in the town.”
But council bosses remain adamant that foul language does count as anti-social behaviour, referencing aggressive exchanges taking place in front of young children.
They also defended the inclusion of begging in the proposed bans, adding that they are directing the homeless to a local charity that can assist them.