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16 of the most viral stories of 2016

What a year it’s been.

What a year it’s been.


Our Prime Minister resigned. Donald Trump became President. Britain Brexitted.

But what were the headlines that you, our readers, engaged with the most?

From royals to politicians, celebs to real crime – here are ten of the top stories that got you talking this year.

You may also like: The top food trends of 2016.


Jenny May welcomes twin boys

Jenny May Clarkson announced the wonderful news she’d welcomed twin boys in March, after her whirlwind romance with husband Dean.

Matt McLean’s big OE

You were also keen to hear about what Matt McLean was up to on his OE, after he announced plans to leave after 10 years in a job he loves. You can read all about Matt McLean’s special bond with his mum here.

New Zealand’s most polluted

It was bad news for people living in Timaru this year, after it was named the most polluted place not just in New Zealand, but in all of Oceania. The township had the most polluted air according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The reasons behind this were thought to be high emissions – including many people using log burners during cold winter nights – and pollution getting trapped in a layer of cold air.


The Queen’s 69th wedding anniversary

First and foremost, you loved our gallery celebrating the Queen’s 69th wedding anniversary with Prince Phillip.

Tattoos and tutus

You also loved the story of this Rotorua father-of-six, who is embracing his role as a single dad. Trinity has been through a lot in the last decade, but thanks his children for keeping him grounded and away from the temptations of parting. Read his story here.

The Obamas say goodbye to the White House

Our favourite Obama pictures from his eight year tenure in the White House also piqued your interest, after the world reacted in shock to Donald Trump being elected.

Inside Rachel Hunter’s pad

We love taking a peek inside celebrities’ houses, and it turns out you do too. You loved the gallery from inside Kiwi Rachel Hunter’s LA pad.


Should Mike Hosking go?

In June, a petition to have Mike Hosking removed from Seven Sharp garnered thousands of signatures in just a week. Started by lawyer Dan Wayman, the petition states that Hosking’s comments were socially irresponsible and damaging to the New Zealand public.

Sonny Bill Williams

Sonny Bill struck a cord with mums earlier in the year, when he said being a stay at home mother was the hardest job in the world. He admitted that caring for his daughter Imaan took it out of him in a way that rugby doesn’t, and he had the utmost respect for his young wife, who cares for their daughter full time.

Grooms see their brides

In soppier news, you loved this round up of 20 grooms completely overcome with emotion at seeing their brides for the first time.

First Maori female pilot

You loved the story of Angela Swann-Cronin (40), of Rotorua, who was the first Maori female pilot in the Royal NZ Air Force. Read more about her story here.


Maori baby names

Maori baby name inspiration also got you clicking, and it’s easy to see why with this beautiful selection. Choose a Maori baby name from our gallery here

Six generations

Another story that caught your attention was the Weekly’s snaps of this incredible Whanau, and the six generations of women that make it up. From 94-year-old Mary Lim to baby Noah, this family are picture perfect in the shoot from earlier in 2016. Read the full story here.

Renee Wright welcomes baby number three

TVNZ’s Renee welcomed her third baby back in the summer of 2016, giving little Leo and Giselle a sister to play with. Read the full story about Renee’s new arrival here.

How to ripen an avocado

This how to ripen an avocado story divided opinion. Some of you said it worked perfectly, while others said it left the avo with a strange texture.


Anna Guy’s baby news

Back in April, we shared the happy news that Anna Guy, whose husband Ewen Macdonald was acquitted of killing her brother Scott, was expecting her sixth baby. Speaking to NEXT, Anna said she was feeling “very calm” about her impending arrival.

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