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Kiwi men reveal they’re Christmas romantics at heart

The season is a more romantic time for men than it is for women.
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Christmas and romance – it’s a winning combination, and if you have a soft spot for tender times during the festive season, romantic Kiwi guys are just the ticket.


While it might be hard to imagine your stereotypical Kiwi man as being keen to couple-up, as it turns out romance is – at this time of year – pretty high on the male agenda, and what men really want for Christmas is love – actually.

That is according to a recent survey by online dating site Elite Singles which found men are more likely to want to celebrate the festive season with someone special.

The survey asked 200 New Zealand singles to name the day of the year when they least wanted to be single. Both men and women agreed that Christmas Day is the worst time of the year to be single, over Valentine’s Day or New Year’s Eve.

While attending family gatherings was important for both, men were slightly more smitten with the idea of celebrating Christmas as couple: 44 per cent want to spend Christmas with a romantic partner, compared to 26 per cent of women.


The survey also showed men were more likely than women to think of Christmas as the perfect occasion for a new partner to meet the family. Women were a bit more hesitant, with 49 per cent wary given of the amount of pressure the day can bring.

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But here’s the bit we’re most interested in: presents. Gift-giving is fraught with the potential to make or break a new relationship; it’s a tough one to get right.


Kiwi men are keen gift-givers. The survey points out 75 per cent thought it was important to buy presents for a new partner.

Women were a little less enthusiastic on the gift-giving front though, with just over half surveyed wanting to exchange gifts too early in a new relationship.

Our advice to those newly coupled at Christmas: be thoughtful. Each person is feeling the pressure in different ways. Communication and co-operation are always the key.

And finally, the best way to create special feelings of love is to remember everyone has a slightly different approach to romance.


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