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Coffee group prude?

Dear Wendyl, When my coffee group has its regular get-togethers the conversation often turns to sex. Although I’m not a prude, I feel quite awkward...

**Dear Wendyl,


**When my coffee group has its regular get-togethers the conversation often turns to sex. Although I’m not a prude, I feel quite awkward when the conversation goes into really explicit details. While the others are all laughing and egging each other on, I just sit there blushing and wishing I didn’t have to listen. Is it normal for women to be like this?

I’ve seen Sex and the City, of course, but I always thought it was just that way in movies. I don’t want to stop meeting up with these friends, but I don’t want to look like an uptight sort of person by asking them to tone it down either. What do you think I should do?

Sex-shy, by email

Dear Sex-shy,


To answer your first question about whether it’s normal for women to discuss sex, yes, it is. Especially if there is wine involved. As for how to handle these conversations, I can offer you two pieces of advice. 1) Don’t ask them to tone it down because they will think you’re a prude. Most women actually find it useful to discuss sex because it is our way of finding out information on what’s normal, what’s fun and what’s new. 2) Find something to do or a reason you have to go if the conversation becomes so racy that you can’t bear it. What you can’t hear won’t bother you.

Send your questions to [email protected] or write to Agony Aunt, NZWW, PO Box 90119, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142.

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