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Being a taxi driver for children

Dear Wendyl, My daughter is mad-keen on soccer and athletics. She has practice most nights and plays games or competes on weekends.

Dear Wendyl,

My daughter is mad-keen on soccer and athletics. She has practice most nights and plays games or competes on weekends. The problem is that in her group of team-mates I’m the only mother who doesn’t work and I seem to be the one who does all the dropping off and picking up for her and her friends.

None of the other parents offer to help and it’s just presumed that I’ll be the one doing the sports runs. Every time I suggest to my daughter that someone else does it for a change she says they’re all too busy. How do I get some time off?

Tired Taxi Driver, by email

Dear Tired Taxi Driver,

Expecting your daughter to sort this out for you is unrealistic. You need to get the phone numbers of all these busy parents and call them up. Tell them it’s been a real pleasure ferrying their children around with no thanks or even a petrol voucher, but you’ve just got a new job and you won’t be able to do it so much. Nominate the days you “have time” to include their children and then suggest a roster or something similar. And stick with it.

By all means take your own child, but don’t pick up the others. They’ll sort something out pretty soon. And by the way, you’re not lying about your new job. It’s called being a mother.

Send your questions to [email protected] or write to Agony Aunt, NZWW, PO Box 90119, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142

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