The way you deal with your clutter can say a lot about you. Which category do you fall under?
The hider
A library can offer peace and quiet, so it’s no wonder you want to recreate the look at home. Bookshelves and magazines stacked from floor to ceiling create a protective wall against the stress and hecticness of the outside world.
The assurance seeker
A home full of trophies, medals, certificates and diplomas suggest you like to be reminded of life’s successes. If your self-esteem gets a little low at times, you treasure items such as these to give you a confidence boost.
The nostalgia lover
Cases full of old knick-knacks, or dolls and teddies clustered on the sofa indicate you like to be reminded of your childhood. Nostalgic items are given pride of place to evoke those happy and carefree times.
The ponderer
Diaries, old calendars and photographs galore – you’re someone who tends to get lost in your own thoughts and ideas. You always have a notebook to hand, and there’s no end of snippets scribbled on scraps of paper.
The house-proud
Your visitors are greeted by an immaculate home, with the scent of fresh-cut flowers and not a speck of dust in sight. You want to impress guests, and you’re proud of the effort you put into keeping your home shipshape.
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The peacock
If you like to display your beautiful shoes or designer coat in pride of place, it shows how much you care about your appearance. The items symbolise a particular quality that you wish to be associated with. For example, classy coat equals classy lady.
The creative
The typical home of a creative person has bespoke pieces of art or ornaments, and perhaps a guitar or two leaning against a chair. You like to have your loves of painting, music and artistry surrounding and inspiring you.
For more on how to clear the clutter, see the January issue of NEXT magazine.