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Knitting pattern – men’s beanie and scarf!

As mass-produced clothing became more prolific, the age-old craft of knitting lost its way for a while. The good news is that it’s back and more popular than ever. This beanie and scarf will delight the men in your life, and they’re easy to make!


What you need

  • oagnum 8 ply 100g balls

  • To make beanie – 1 ball each of 3 colours o, C1 and C2.

  • To make scarf – 1 ball each of 7 colours C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 and C7.

  • 1 set of 4.00mm double-pointed knitting needles for Beanie

  • 1 x 4.50mm circular knitting needle (80 to 100cm long) for Scarf or size needed to give correct tension.

  • Wool needle for finishing.

Skill level




The beanie has been designed at a tension of 22 sts and 30 rows to 10cm over stocking st, using 4.00mm needles.

The scarf has been designed at a tension of 20 sts and 40 rows to 10cm over garter st, using 4.50mm needles. Ensure that you check your tension carefully.

If less sts to 10cm use smaller needles, if more sts use bigger needles.



** Using 4.00mm double-pointed needles and o, cast on 104 (112-120-128) sts and divide evenly onto 3 needles.

Join to work in rounds, taking care not to twist cast on edge.

1st round – K2, P2, rep from to end.Rep 1st round 5 (6-7-10) times.Beg Stripe Patt -Change to C1, rep 1st round twice.Change to C2, rep 1st round twice.Change to C1, rep 1st round twice.Change to o, rep 1st round 4 (7-8-10) times.Last 10 (13-14-16) rounds form patt.Cont in patt until work measures 11 (13-15-17) cm from beg.

Shape Crown -Note: Rem of beanie is worked in rows, not rounds. Keeping patt correct, cont as folls –


** 1st row – Rib 26 (28-30-32), turn.Cont on these 26 (28-30-32) sts for first section of crown.Keeping rib correct, dec one st at each end of every row until 4 sts rem, noting to cont in o only once 3rd stripe has been completed.

Leave sts on a thread. With right side facing, join yarn to rem sts and rep from to ** for rem 3 sections of crown.Break off yarn, run end through rem sts from each section of crown (16 sts), draw up tightly and fasten off securely.

Join four crown seams.



**Using 4.50mm needles and C1, cast on 230 (300) sts loosely.Beg Stripe Patt – Using C1, work 3 (5) rows garter st.Using C2, work 3 (5) rows garter st.Using C3, work 3 (5) rows garter st.Using C4, work 3 (5) rows garter st.Using C5, work 3 (5) rows garter st.Using C6, work 3 (5) rows garter st.Using C7, work 3 (5) rows garter st.Last 21 (35) rows form stripe patt.Rep last 21 (35) rows once… 42 (70) rows patt in all.Cast off loosely. Sew in ends.

oeasurements (cm)Sizes                           2 to 4 years  5 to 8 years  Woman  oanBeanie to fit head        52                 54               56        58Scarf (2 sizes)                    Width                          10               17Length                         115             150

Hot Tip

With the big rugby event just days away, choose your yarns in the colours of Dad’s favourite team! Mix in some other vibrant colours to give it life beyond the game.


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