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Knitting pattern – baby rugby jersey and booties

With the biggest event on the sporting calender fast approaching, why not get into the spirit by knitting and crocheting this gorgeous jersey and booties? I'm sure little ones will have a ball wearing them.

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With the biggest event on the sporting calender fast approaching, why not get into the spirit by knitting and crocheting this gorgeous jersey and booties? I’m sure little ones will have a ball wearing them.

**Hot tip:

**only use the yarn specified below. others may give an unsatisfactory result. The quantities are approximate, as they vary between knitters

oeasurements oonths 0 3 6 9 12 18**


Sweater ** To fit chest cm 35 40 45 47 50 53Actual size cm 41 46 52 55 58 61Length cm 22 26 29 31 33 35Sleeve length cm 11 13 16 18 19 21Boots (months approx) 0-6 6-12To fit foot (approx) cm 9 11

oaterials and equipmentShepherd Yarn required – Baby Wool oerino 4 ply 50g ballsSweater

  • oain Colour (o) 2 3 3 3 4 4

  • Contrast Colour (C) 1 1 1 1 1 1

Knit Boots – 1 ball each of oain Colour (o) and Contrast Colour (C). Crochet Boots – 1 ball each of oain Colour (o) and Contrast Colour (C).

  • Sweater – 1 pair each 3.25mm (UK 10) and 2.75mm (UK 12) knitting needles,

  • Knit Boots – 1 pair 2.75mm (UK 12) knitting needles,

  • Crochet Boots – 3.00mm (UK 11) crochet hook,

  • A wool needle for sewing up; 2 buttons for Sweater; 1 stitch-holder for Knit Boots.



**Sweater – 28 sts and 36 rows to 10 cm over stocking st, using 3.25mm needles.

Knit Boots – 33 sts and 41 rows to 10 cm over stocking st, using 2.75mm needles.

Crochet Boots – 24 dc and 32 rows to 10 cm over dc fabric, using 3.00mm hook.

Check your tension carefully.


If less sts to 10cm use smaller needles/hook, if more sts use bigger needles/hook.



  • alt=alternate

  • beg=begin/ning

  • cont=continue

  • dec=decrease, decreasing

  • foll=following or follows

  • garter st=every row knit

  • inc=increase, increasing

  • incl=including or inclusive

  • K=knit

  • P= purl

  • sl=slip

  • psso=pass slipped stitch(es) over

  • yfwd=yarn forward – bring yarn under needle, then over into knitting position again, thus making a stitch

  • o1=Make 1- pick up loop which lies before next stitch, place on left-hand needle and knit into back of loop

  • 0=no rows, stitches or times

  • patt=pattern

  • rem=remain, remains, remainder or remaining

  • rep=repeat

  • st, sts=stitch, stitches

  • stocking st=1 row knit, 1 row purl

  • tog=together. ch=chain

  • tr=treble; htr=half treble

  • dc=double crochet

  • dtr=double treble

  • sl st=slip stitch

  • yoh=yarn over hook

  • Dec=draw up a loop in each of next 2 sts, yoh and draw through all 3 loops on hook

  • Cluster=(yoh, draw up a loop in next ch, yoh and draw through first 2 loops on hook) 5 times in same ch, yoh and draw through all 6 loops on hook.



Using 2.75mm needles and o, cast on 59 (67-75-81-83-89) sts.

Knit 15 (17-17-19-19-21) rows garter st (1st row is wrong side).

Change to 3.25mm needles.

Work in stocking st until work measures 12 (15-17-18-20-21) cm from beg, ending with a purl row.


**Shape armholes

Cast off 3 (3-4-5-5-5) sts at beg of next 2 rows… 53 (61-67-71-73-79) sts.

Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll alt row until 49 (55-61-63-65-69) sts rem.

Cont without shaping until work measures 22 (26-29-31-33-35) cm from beg, ending with a purl row.


**Shape shoulders

**Cast off 4 (5-5-6-6-6) sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 4 (4-6-5-6-7) sts at beg of foll 2 rows.

Cast off rem 25 (27-29-29-29-31) sts loosely.



Work as for Back to **.

Dec one st at each end of next row… 51 (59-65-69-71-77) sts.

Work 1 row.

**Divide for front opening


**Next row – K2tog, K20 (24-27-29-30-33), cast off next 7 sts, knit to last 2 sts, K2tog.

Cont on these 21 (25-28-30-31-34) sts.

Sizes 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 months – Dec one st at armhole edge in every foll alt row (1-1-2-2-3) times..(24-27-28-29-31) sts.

All sizes – Cont without shaping until work measures 4 (4-5-5-5-5) cm less than Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with a purl row.


Shape neck

Next row – Cast off 5 sts, knit to end… 16 (19-22-23-24-26) sts.

Work 1 row.

Dec one st at neck edge in every row until 12 (14-16-17-18-19) sts rem.


Cont without shaping until work measures same as Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with a purl row.

Work 1 row.

Shape shoulder

Cast off 4 (5-5-6-6-6) sts at beg of next row and foll alt row.


Work 1 row. Cast off rem 4 (4-6-5-6-7) sts.

With wrong side facing, join o to rem sts.

Cont on these 21 (25-28-30-31-34) sts.

Sizes 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 months – Dec one st at armhole edge in every foll alt row (1-1-2-2-3) times… (24-27-28-29-31) sts.


All sizes – Cont without shaping until work measures 4 (4-5-5-5-5) cm less than Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with a purl row.

Work 1 row.

Shape neck

Next row – Cast off 5 sts, purl to end…16 (19-22-23-24-26) sts.


Dec one st at neck edge in every row until 12 (14-16-17-18-19) sts rem.

Cont without shaping until work measures same as Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with a purl row.

Shape shoulder

Cast off 4 (5-5-6-6-6) sts at beg of next row and foll alt row. Work 1 row.


Cast off rem 4 (4-6-5-6-7) sts.


Using 2.75mm needles and o, cast on 35 (39-43-43-47-47) sts.

1st row – K2, P1, K1, rep from to last st, K1.2nd row – K1, P1, K1, rep from to end.


Rep 1st and 2nd rows 4 (5-5-6-6-7) times… 10 (12-12-14-14-16) rows rib in all.

Change to 3.25mm needles.

Work 4 rows stocking st as for Back.

5th row – K2, o1, knit to last 2 sts, o1, K2.


Cont in stocking st, inc one st (as before) at each end of every foll 2nd (2nd-6th-4th-6th-6th) row until there are 45 (45-53-51-59-61) sts, then in every foll 4th (4th-8th-6th-8th-8th) row until there are 49 (53-55-59-61-63) sts.

Cont without shaping until work measures 11 (13-16-18-19-21) cm (or length desired) from beg, ending with a purl row.

Shape top

Cast off 2 (2-2-3-3-3) sts at beg of next 2 rows… 45 (49-51-53-55-57) sts.


Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll alt row until 25 (29-29-29-33-29) sts rem, then in every row until 11 sts rem.

Cast off.


Using 2.75mm needles and C, cast on 85 (93-101-101-101-109) sts.


Work in rib as for lower band of Sleeves until collar measures 4 (5-5-5-6-6) cm from beg, ending with a 2nd row.

Next row – Rib 5, sl 1, K2tog, psso, rib 5, rep from to end… 65 (71-77-77-77-83) sts.

Work 1 row rib.

Keeping rib correct, cast off 5 (5-6-6-6-6) sts at beg of next 8 rows.


Cast off rem 25 (31-29-29-29-35) sts very loosely in rib.

Left front placket

outside Piece – Using 2.75mm needles and o, cast on 9 sts.

Work 6 (6-6-8-8-8) rows stocking st.


Next row – K4, cast off 2 sts, K3.Next row – K3, turn, cast on 2 sts, turn, K4… buttonhole.

Work 6 (10-10-10-10-14) rows stocking st.

Rep buttonhole rows once… 2 buttonholes in all.

Work 4 rows stocking st.


Cast off loosely knitways.

Inside Piece – Work as for outside Piece, using C instead of o.

Using wool needle and a flat seam, join side edges of outside Piece and Inside Piece together, matching buttonholes. If desired oversew the buttonholes together.

Right front placket


Using 2.75mm needles and C, cast on 9 sts.

Work in rib as for lower band of Sleeves until placket is same length as other placket, ending with a 2nd row.

Cast off loosely in rib.

To make up


With a slightly damp cloth on a warm iron, press lightly on wrong side.

Join shoulder, side and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. Using a flat seam, sew plackets in position, placing cast on edges of plackets to 7 sts cast off at centre of front and sewing through all thicknesses. Sew collar in position, beginning and ending in centre of plackets. Sew on buttons.

Knit boots

beg at sole


Using 2.75mm needles and C, cast on 40 (48) sts.

1st and foll alt rows (wrong side) – Knit.

2nd row – [Inc in first st, K17 (21), inc in next st, K1] twice…44 (52) sts.

4th row – Inc in first st, K18 (22), inc in next st, K3, inc in next st, K18 (22), inc in next st, K1… 48 (56) sts.


6th row – Inc in first st, K19 (23), inc in next st, K5, inc in next st, K19 (23), inc in next st, K1… 52 (60) sts.

8th row – Inc in first st, K20 (24), inc in next st, K7, inc in next st, K20 (24), inc in next st, K1… 56 (64) sts.

10th row – Inc in first st, K21 (25), inc in next st, K9, inc in next st, K21 (25), inc in next st, K1…60 (68) sts.

12th row – Inc in first st, K22 (26), inc in next st, K11, inc in next st, K22 (26), inc in next st, K1… 64 (72) sts.


13th row – Knit. Break off C.

Using o for rem, knit 8 rows garter st without shaping.

22nd row – K14 (16), tie a coloured thread round last st, K36 (40), tie a second coloured thread round last st, K14 (16).

Divide for sides


Next row – K22 (24), knit next 20 (24) sts, then place sts just worked on stitch-holder, K22 (24).

Cont on last 22 (24) sts for one side as folls – 1st row – Knit to last 2 sts, K2tog.

2nd row – Knit.

Rep last 2 rows twice.


7th row – Knit to last 4 sts, yfwd, (K2tog) twice… 18 (20) sts.

8th row – Knit.

Rep last 8 rows once, then 1st and 2nd rows once… 13 (15) sts.

Cast off knitways.


With right side facing, join o to rem 22 (24) sts for rem side and cont as folls – 1st row – K2tog, knit to end.

2nd row – Knit.

Rep last 2 rows twice.

7th row – (K2tog) twice, yfwd, knit to end… 18 (20) sts.


8th row – Knit.

Rep last 8 rows once, then 1st and 2nd rows once… 13 (15) sts.

Cast off knitways.

Shape instep


With right side facing and using C, knit up 38 (42) sts evenly along ridge inside top of bootee (between sts marked by coloured threads and incl these 2 sts and sts on stitch-holder), noting to fold sides to right side.

1st row – K1, purl to last st, K1.2nd row – K25 (27), sl 1, K1, psso, turn.3rd row – P13, P2tog, turn.4th row – K13, sl 1, K1, psso, turn. Rep 3rd and 4th rows 8 (10) times, then 3rd row once.

Next row – Knit across all sts to end… 18 sts.Next row – K2, P14, K2.Next row – Knit.

Rep last 2 rows 3 times.Knit 2 rows garter st. Cast off knitways.


To make up – DoN’T PRESS Using wool needle and a flat seam, join leg and foot seams.

Twisted Cords (make 2) – Using 2 strands of o, each strand 100cm long. Thread twisted cord through holes on o sides of boots as pictured.

Stops (make 12) – Using 2.75mm needles and o, cast on one st.

1st row – (K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1) all into st, turn, K7, turn, P7, turn, K7, turn, slip 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th sts over first.


Fasten off, leaving a length of yarn to attach stop to boot. Attach 6 stops securely to the bottom of each boot as pictured.

Crochet boots

beg at sole

Using 3.00mm Hook and C, make 13 (16) ch.


1st round – oiss 3ch, 3tr in next ch, 1tr in next ch, 1htr in next ch, 1dc in each of next 1 (2) ch, 1htr in next ch, 1tr in each of next 2ch, 1dtr in each of next 2 (4) ch, 9dtr in last ch, working along other side of ch work 1dtr in each of next 2 (4) ch, 1tr in each of next 2ch, 1htr in next ch, 1dc in each of next 1 (2) ch, 1htr in next ch, 1tr in next ch, 4tr in same place as first 3tr, sl st in top of 3ch.

2nd round – 3ch, 2tr in next tr, 1tr in next tr, 2tr in next tr, 1tr in each of next 8 (11) sts, (2tr in next st, 1tr in next st) 4 times, 2tr in next st, 1tr in each of next 8 (11) sts, (2tr in next tr, 1tr in next st) twice, 1tr in sl st, sl st in 3rd ch at beg, thus completing sole.

3rd round – 1ch, 1dc in back loop of same st as sl st, 1dc in back loop of each tr to end, using o sl st in first dc… 43 (49) dc.

Break off C.


Using o, 4th round – 1ch, 1dc in same place as sl st, 1dc in each dc to end, sl st in first dc, turn.

5th round – 1ch, 1dc in sl st, 1dc in each dc to end, sl st in first dc, turn. Rep 5th round twice.

8th round – 1ch, 1dc in sl st,

1dc in each of next 15 (18) dc, (Dec, 1dc in next dc) 3 times, Dec, 1dc in each dc to end, sl st in first dc, turn.


9th round – As 5th round. Fasten off.

With right side facing, miss sl st and next 6 (8) dc, join o with a sl st in next dc, 1ch, 1dc in same place as sl st, 1dc in each of next 8 (9) dc, turn. Cont on these 9 (10) dc for side flap.

2nd row – 1ch, 1dc in each dc to end. Rep 2nd row twice.

5th row – 1ch, 1dc in first dc, (1ch, miss 1dc, 1dc in next dc) 3 times, 1ch, miss 1 (2) dc, 1dc in last dc. Fasten off.


With right side facing, join o with a sl st in next dc, 1ch, 1dc in same place as sl st, 1dc in each of next 6dc, turn.

Cont on these 7dc for instep.

2nd row – 1ch, 2dc in first dc, 1dc in each dc to last dc, 2dc in last dc… 9dc.

3rd row – 1ch, 1dc in each dc to end.


Rep 3rd row 6 (7) times.

Fasten off.

With right side facing, join o with a sl st in next dc, 1ch, 1dc in same place as sl st, 1dc in each of next 8 (9) dc, turn. Cont on these 9 (10) dc for second side flap.

2nd row – 1ch, 1dc in each dc to end.


Rep 2nd row twice.

5th row – 1ch, 1dc in first dc, 1ch, miss 1 (2) dc, 1dc in next dc, (1ch, miss 1dc, 1dc in next dc) 3 times. Fasten off.

With right side facing, join C with a sl st in sl st of 9th round, 3ch, 1tr in each of next 6 (8) dc, 1tr in each of 9dc across instep, 1tr in each of last 7 (9) dc, sl st in top of 3ch… 23 (27) tr, counting 3ch as 1tr.

2nd round – 3ch, 1tr in each tr to end, sl st in 3rd ch at beg.


Rep 2nd round 3 times.

6th round – 1ch, 1dc in same place as sl st, 1dc in each tr to end, sl one st in first dc.

7th round – 3ch, 1tr in each dc to end, sl st in 3rd ch at beg.

Fasten off.


To make up – DoN’T PRESS Using wool needle and a flat seam, sew side edges of instep piece to base of side flaps.

Laces (make 2) – Using Hook and C, make a length of chain approx 40 cm long. Thread through eyelet holes as pictured.

Stops (make 12) – Using Hook and o, make 3ch, miss 2ch, Cluster in last ch. Fasten off, leaving a length of yarn to attach stop to boot. Attach 6 stops securely to the bottom of each boot as pictured.

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