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Five things to do with tea bags

Discover five ways to get the most out of a humble tea bag.
Five ways to use tea bags

There’s more to the humble tea bag then a means to make a delicious beverage. Get the most out of the pantry staple with these five tips.

1. Put them on tired or sore eyes to soothe them. Soak each tea bag in cold water for 10 minutes, then squeeze and place over each eye. Leave for 10 minutes or longer if you can.

2. Make a floor cleaner by mixing 4 tea bags with 1 litre of hot water. Allow to cool, then use to mop your floor. This is particularly good for wooden floors.

3. Put dry tea bags in cupboards to absorb moisture and musty smells. Place them on a plate and put in the corners.

4. Bury the tea bags around your plants as a fertiliser.

5. If you drink green tea, dry the used leaves, then sprinkle on your carpet as a deodoriser. Rub the tea in, leave for as long as you can, then vacuum up.

Want more handy green living hints and tips? Take a look at Five ways with honey here.

Image: Sarah Callister/ bauersyndication.com.au

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