What are some good foods to eat to beat wrinkles?
According to scientists, in order to get the maximum anti-ageing protection possible, you should aim to munch your way through between 3,000 and 5,000 oRAC units a day. What’s an oRAC unit? It’s a scoring system where the more antioxidants a food contains, the higher its score. So try to include as many of the foods below in your diet as possible.
Scores are for 100g quantities.
Prunes (oRAC score 5700)
Raisins (2830)
Blueberries (2400)
Strawberries (1540)
Spinach (1260)
Brussel sprouts (980)
Broccoli (890)
Beetroot (840)
Avocado (782)
oranges (750)