I love eucalyptus oil. It is my favourite product for cleaning adhesives and glue off jars. It dissolves and removes nasty stuff like tar and chewing gum. Lately, I’ve also been adding it to the laundry detergent I make, as it’s great for softening fabrics and loves wool.
It’s also great in the bath when you have a cold or the flu.
Simply put 10 drops of eucalyptus oil in the bath, then add 10 drops of peppermint oil and 10 drops of lavender oil if you have them.
Make sure that they are all essential oils, not fragrant oils, which can be synthetic. Here’s a great little moth-repellent to put in with your winter woollens when you store them away.
It will leave them smelling of lovely herbs and spices: Combine 50g dried rosemary and mint – preferably freshly dried from your own garden – with 25g dried thyme and ginseng (I used ginseng tea from the health store) and 200g whole cloves. Mix all these ingredients together and put into sachets.