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Stain removal

Some people have a real knack for stain removal. I’m not one of them – I’m too impatient.


If a good soak and a rub with eucalyptus doesn’t do it, then I give up and throw it out. But that’s not a very green approach. I’ve been doing a bit of research into natural stain removal lately and here are some great ideas from the old times:

Lemon juice is an excellent alternative to bleach – apply directly to the clothing.

A sliced tomato rubbed on a stain works wonders and a paste made of baking soda and water left on the stain overnight is also great.

Sunlight is a great bleach and disinfectant, so hang whites in direct sun for the day.


Hi Wendyl, I bought a lovely white cotton top from Tradeoe and when it arrived, it had foundation stains on the fabric. I’ve soaked and scrubbed and even tried a tiny bit of diluted bleach but nothing has worked. The seller has refunded me, but I’d still like to wear the top – what do you suggest? Fiona, email


Dear Fiona, This isn’t at all green or eco-friendly, but dab a bit of turps onto it with a cotton ball. The foundation has oil in it that needs to be dissolved by the turps. Good luck!


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