Dear Wendyl,**
Over Christmas I brought my partner of 18 months out to New Zealand from the US for the first time to meet family and friends, but mostly to show him what glorious summers we have over here.
We went camping and were rained out and only had one day of sunshine before he had to leave to go home. He was not at all impressed and now I doubt I’ll ever get him to come back here. How can I get him to know and love the place I feel so homesick for on a regular basis?
Sad Kiwi, by email
Dear Sad Kiwi,**
I was rained out while camping too and couldn’t help feeling so sorry for all those people who only had a few weeks off and spent it in the bad weather.
I think your partner needs to be a little more understanding and give you another chance. But, next time, why not study the weather patterns and come over when it’s truly summer, around February? We all know that as soon as the kids go back to school the sun comes out.
Send your questions to [email protected] or write to Agony Aunt, NZWW, PO Box 90119, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142