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Ask the expert: Foundations for 60+

Hello Nicky,


I have trawled the internet, but, in the world of make-up/skincare, mature means anyone over 40!

I am over 60, and looking to find the “best” foundations, mineral or otherwise, for my age group. ones that don’t magnify pores, or settle like concrete into lines and furrows.

I would really appreciate it, if you can help.



Vallanne onslow-Bartlett

Hi Vallane,

Light fluid foundations are your friend! Revlon does some good ones and I’d advise making an appointment at your local Revlon counter so the beauty consultant can try a few on your skin and see which suits it. I’d steer clear of powdered mineral formulas as I think they are ideal for younger, oily skins.

It’s not just about foundation though. First you need a good primer. I like Clarins Instant Light Perfector and am also hearing great things about YSL Top Secret. After that use a concealer to even out dark circles beneath eyes and on any redness, broken veins etc. Then rather than applying foundation as a mask just use it to even out your skin tone on the areas that really need it. And don’t powder your whole face – just use a dab on the nose to deal with any shine. It’s not about covering the skin but pepping it up, looking glowier and healthier.


NICKY PELLEGRINo, New Zealand Woman’s Weekly beauty editor

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